PESTEL Analysis Workbook

The PESTEL Framework for Packaging Analysis

We use the PESTEL framework to analyse packaging in today’s rapidly changing world of consumer trends. PESTLE or PESTEL is the analysis of Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological, Environmental and Legal trends, influencing the buying behaviour.

Understanding your consumer’s needs is the first step in analysing their unboxing experience. Afterwards we help you develop new ideas and create a strategic roadmap of their implementation. You can choose to work with us to also design the packaging, the unboxing experience.

You can start analysing your packaging today by downloading our effective workbook with step-by-step guides and creative exercises across 40+ pages to help you with analysing your current design and developing new solutions.

Let's talk

Do you have questions regarding the PESTEL framework or need help organising your workshop? Let’s take 30 minutes and get to know each other. We are happy to assist you.

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