We develop and design cross-platform solutions

From Online to Offline and Back

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern business, creating a memorable and impactful presence is key. We help you with interactive design solutions for everyday products and redefine the boundaries between the digital and physical realms, enabling you to engage your audience in ways that were previously unimaginable.

Interactive Design for Immersive Brand Engagement

Step into the future with online-to-offline (O2O) design solutions, such as augmented reality, NFCs and QR-codes. From captivating product demonstrations to immersive brand storytelling, O2O design opens up boundless opportunities to engage your customers in exciting and meaningful ways. We can help you develop a coherent and fun journey and enhance your audience’s interaction with your brand.

QR Codes and NFC for Seamless Connectivity

QR code is perhaps the best known O2O solution but not the only one. We help you harness the power of QR codes and NFC technology for effortless connections. These tools enable instant access to information, exclusive content, and interactive experiences with a simple tap or scan. We assist you with bridging your customer journey between real and digital worlds, matching the new ways how people use modern technologies in their everyday life.

Use Cases for Interactive Design

Discover the future of packaging with our interactive designs. From QR codes that reveal exclusive content to NFC-enabled packaging that shares your brand story, we transform your products into a gateway for captivating digital experiences. We can help you develop a coherent and fun journey and enhance your audience’s O2O (Online to Offline) interaction with your brand.

Enhance your restaurant or event with interactive menus that enthrall your patrons. We help you develop a multisensory journey for your consumers.

Traditional posters become conversation starters with our interactive approach. We help you incorporate QR codes and augmented reality elements into your posters to connect with your audience on a deeper level, whether it's for promotions, events, or public awareness campaigns.

Take your direct mail campaigns to new heights. Our interactive mail solutions harness QR codes, NFC, and augmented reality to deliver a personalised, interactive experience, ensuring your message isn't lost in the noise.

Transform Your Business Communication and Marketing

Do you want to know how to elevate your brand, captivate your audience, and transform your business communication and marketing materials with our innovative approach? Contact us today to explore how we can bring your vision to life.

By the way, we have won a few awards. But our clients coming back to work with us is ultimately what makes us happy and proud. And we are excited to hear about your challenges and goals. So ready to get to know us?

How Your Business Benefits from Interactive Design

  • Visual representation of the usability
  • New ways of adding additional information, such as recipes, upcoming events, etc.
  • Possibility to create unique campaigns
  • Enhanced communication and creative interaction with consumers 
  • More emotional attachment to the product
  • Wide range of possibilities for disclosing product information, such as ingredients
  • Guaranteed up-to-date information
  • Further personalisation through identification by connecting to the user accounts
  • Forwarding to useful pages with news and updates
  • Marketing and cross-selling support
  • Possibilities to create new type of campaigns
  • New types of interactions and sharing on social media
  • Always up-to-date on compliance guidelines and regulations
  • Possibility to add new languages to the user documentation without changing the packaging
  • Up-to-date information, compliant with the current legislation
  • Prevention of improper use of products

Let's meet

Are you ready to tell us about your amazing company? Let’s take 30 minutes and get to know each other. No strings attached.

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